Thank You, Broad U.S.A. Inc!

Thank you, Broad U.S.A. Inc. , for pledging to donate $2 from your sales of each AirPro Mask to CMP Rebuilding Fund from May 1st, 2020 through October 31st, 2020. Your generous donation will help us further and better recover from the January 23rd devastating fire!

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About Broad U.S.A Inc: BROAD U.S.A. is based in Hackensack New Jersey and is the U.S. arm of the BROAD Group, a global supplier of environmentally sustainable HVAC systems, Air Purification technology, and Fresh Air units. BROAD is also the inventor of B-CORE™, a revolutionary prefabricated hardened stainless steel structural material that improves energy efficiency and enables buildings to be built at a speed 10 x faster than traditional construction.

Please click here for more information about Broad U.S.A Inc.