By assisting individuals wishing to be self-employed, CMP helps to maximize their investments, limit risks and potential losses, and help to create jobs.
Financial Literacy
Small Business Bootcamp
One-on-one Technical Assistance & Referral
Business Plan and M/WBE Certification Assistance
Small Business Workshops
Small Business Disaster Relief Application Assistance
Social Media Marketing Service
Small Business Bootcamp
Our Entrepreneur Assistance Program (EAP) combines individual technical assistance with classroom training to offer a 10-week, 60-hour intensive training to aspiring entrepreneurs. Participants finish the program with a business plan, complete with follow-up support from our program staff.
>> Our 2024 EAP is Open to Enroll Now! Class Starts on Sep 28.
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is provided to our clients in assisting them to actually go through the process of business incorporation, identifying and assisting in the application of low-interest loans, obtaining WMBE status, and referring them to professional resources such as legal, accounting, and taxation services.
BOC also provides free social media marketing services offering customized solutions, specifically tailored to support Chinese-owned businesses in expanding their operations in the U.S.
Business Workshops
Our Financial Literacy Workshops and Topical Workshops such as social media marketing, MWBE certification, and government resources, etc. were offered throughout the year to support startup and business expansion.
Our Impact
For the past 10 years, we have served 1,117 clients, hosted 459 workshops and seminars, and referred 994 clients to partner organizations. Furthermore, CMP has helped 122 businesses increase their sales by $4.2 million and create 118 jobs. CMP Business Outreach Center (BOC) also assisted 69 businesses in securing $714,000 in loans and grants.
CMP’s business programs and services are made possible by the support of Empire State Development and Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers.