CMP's Business Outreach Center is thrilled to announce a FREE webinar titled "Selling at Street Fairs and Night Markets." Building on the success of last year's workshop on the same topic, which attracted over 100 registered participants, this year’s event aims to empower more aspiring entrepreneurs to succeed in these vibrant marketplaces.
Required licenses and permits for street fairs and night markets
Steps and considerations for applying as a vendor and reserving a booth
Best practices for operating a booth, including setup, marketing strategies, and compliance guidelines
🗓️ Wednesday, April 9th, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
💻 Zoom
💬 Conduct in Chinese Mandarin.
· 擺攤銷售所需的各類執照與經營許可證,包括如何申請及符合相關法規的要求;
· 成為市集或夜市商家的完整步驟,從註冊商家到預訂攤位的流程與注意事項;
· 擺攤經營的最佳實踐,包括如何設計吸引顧客的攤位佈置、有效的行銷策略,以及確保合規經營的重要建議。
本次講座將於 4 月 9 日(星期三)晚間 7 時至 8 時 以線上方式舉行。講座免費參加,以國語講解。我們誠摯邀請所有對街頭市集與夜市創業有興趣的朋友踴躍報名,共同學習如何順利開展與成功經營您的擺攤生意!報名請訪問以下鏈接:或致電人力中心 (646) 292-9672 查詢詳情。