"Work for Yourself@50+" Workshop for Flushing Community

On March 7th and April 23rd, CMP, in collaboration with AARP Foundation and Flushing YMCA, organized a "Work for Yourself@50+" workshop for the Flushing community. This workshop was designed to assist older adults in understanding the ins and outs of self-employment and entrepreneurship. 34 participants attended the workshop and received valuable business information and resources for starting a successful business. 

BOC Updates


CMP held a workshop on Work for Yourself@50+ on Wednesday, September 19th. Through this workshop, older adults learned about the options of self-employment and received advice and guidance on entrepreneurship opportunities, as well as the steps to starting a business. We’re glad that participants found the workshop very helpful and inspiring.

On Thursday, September 25th, a Small Business Legal Clinic was held to help entrepreneurs obtain legal advice from pro bono attorneys for their business ventures in manufacturing, fashion, E-commerce, restaurant, translation services and etc. We will provide them additional assistance and resources to help build their businesses and achieve their goals.