
2025 Chinese Small Business Bootcamp Starting on April 26

CMP’s Business Outreach Center is proud to present the new Small Business Bootcamp offered in Chinese.

This comprehensive 10-week course is designed to equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills needed to establish and grow successful businesses. Led by experienced business professionals and consultants, the program provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help participants build a strong business foundation while gaining essential strategies and resources to navigate challenges and achieve long-term success.

🗓️ April 26 to June 28

(with classes held every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

📍 CMP (55 Chrystie Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10002)

🎯 RSVP: (646) 410-3394 or

  • CMP人力中心舉辦企業家培訓班




    本次培訓班由紐約州經濟發展局(Empire State Development)贊助,CMP人力中心屬下的商業輔助中心承辦,由來自不同領域的專業人士主講。課程將帶領學員深入探討創業相關的每一個話題,包括公司註冊、商業法律、稅務、保險、市場研究與推廣、貸款、小型企業資源與最新的經商信息。


    企業家培訓班將於4月26日至6月28日期間舉行,每週六上午10點至下午5點,上課時間共計10週。課程全程以國語授課。上課地點位於CMP人力中心辦公室:55 Chrystie Street 2/FL, New York, NY 10002。參加此次課程的學員將有機會通過實際操作和專家指導,提升商業技能,為未來成功奠定堅實基礎。報名現已開放,歡迎有志於創業的朋友前來參加。報名請致電 (646) 603-7172或電郵聯係

2024 Small Business Bootcamp Successfully Concluded

CMP successfully concluded the 30th Small Business Bootcamp, a comprehensive 10-week entrepreneurship program!

A total of 23 students enrolled in the program, gaining valuable insights into business concepts and skills, including business formation, taxes, marketing strategies, and more. Participants also received expert advice and practical information to support their journey toward building successful businesses.

Group photo of the 30th Bootcamp Graduates (Partial Group Shown)

We will be hosting our 30th annual Small Business Bootcamp! Starting September 28th over 10 weeks, the Small Business Bootcamp is your ticket to entrepreneurial success. With each Saturday class, you'll embark on an enriching journey of learning and growth.

Course Highlights:

  • Business Formation

  • Legal Matters

  • Tax Strategies

  • Marketing Insights

  • Insurance Essentials

  • Financial Management

  • Small Business Resources

This course is conducted in English and costs just $100, fully refundable upon completion.

Join us to elevate your business expertise, connect with industry pros, and access invaluable advice and resources. Don't miss out!

Contact CMP at CMP (646) 410-3394 or to secure your spot!

Congratulations Graduates! CMP 2023 Small Business Bootcamp Alumni

The CMP 2023 Small Business Bootcamp class concludes this Saturday, December 16th, marking the end of a challenging yet fulfilling 10-week course. As participants complete this comprehensive program, they are now well-prepared to embark on a rewarding entrepreneurship journey. Let's take a moment to celebrate this significant achievement🥳

This year's bootcamp represents our 29th annual class, a testament to our commitment to fostering small business success. Throughout the course, participants benefited from insights provided by experienced instructors from diverse industry backgrounds. Topics covered included business formation, legal matters, tax strategies, marketing insights, insurance essentials, financial management, small business resources, and more.

> Learn More about Small Business Bootcamp

Small Business Bootcamp – Unleash Your Potential!

⏰Countdown to our 29th Annual Entrepreneurship Course! Starting September 30th over 10 weeks, the Small Business Bootcamp is your ticket to entrepreneurial success. With each Saturday class, you'll embark on an enriching journey of learning and growth.

📚Course Highlights:

  • Business Formation

  • Legal Matters

  • Tax Strategies

  • Marketing Insights

  • Insurance Essentials

  • Financial Management

  • Small Business Resources

❕This course is conducted in English and costs just $100, fully refundable upon completion.

💥Join us to elevate your business expertise, connect with industry pros, and access invaluable advice and resources. Don't miss out! Contact CMP at CMP (212) 571-1698 or  to secure your spot🌟