employee training

Train and Retain Your Employees

The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) launched the Customized Training Grant Program to help NYC-based businesses train and retain their employees. It’s a reimbursable training grant for businesses that are for-profit, operating for at least one year, and able to pay for training upfront.

Businesses identify a problem(s) they are facing and select the training(s) that will help them solve for this problem(s). SBS will reimburse up to 60% of the total training costs in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Training on recently purchased equipment or software

  2. Training to offer new services/products to reach new markets

  3. Training to give current staff new skills to advance into hard-to-fill positions

  4. Training to update obsolete skills that are necessary for the business to be competitive

If your business is interested in applying for this program, please contact CMP BOC (Business Outreach Center) at LarryMei@cmpny.org for assistance.
