Stop Asian Hate

Town Hall on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Bias

The Mayor’s office and the Office of Queens Borough President Donovan Richards will host a Town Hall on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Bias on Tuesday, 4/20, at 6:30 PM. The town hall will provide simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin, Korean, and Tagalog.

Attend to learn more about ways to combat anti-Asian hate – as well as resources available!

Town Hall on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Bias

Tuesday, 4/20/2021 at 6:30PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 955 8517 8179

Passcode: 743761

Dial: 646-558-8656

ENG - CHN.jpg
ENG - KOR.jpg

Stop Asian Hate


This past Lunar New Year, a time when we are celebrating our diverse Asian communities, we saw a rise in harassment and violence against Asian elders. Since the start of COVID-19, we have seen a sharp increase in instances of hostility and harassment directed at Chinese and other Asian communities related to COVID-19 stigma and misinformation.

If you have faced harassment or discrimination in housing, at work, or in any public place, contact the NYC Commission on Human Rights by filling out an online form: or by calling 212-416-0197. If you are a victim of or witness a hate crime, call 911.

Meanwhile, the City has developed Stop COVID Hate: A Toolkit for Addressing Anti-Asian Bias, Discrimination, and Hate: This toolkit provides comprehensive resources on how to identify, report, and receive support for hate crimes and incidents; educational material for both bystanders and those targeted by hate crimes and bias-motivated incidents; and infographics, media, and other digital campaigns against hate.